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Class webdriver.WebDriver.Options

Defined in: webdriver.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Provides methods for managing browser and driver state.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addCookie(name, value, opt_path, opt_domain, opt_isSecure, opt_expiry)
Schedules a command to add a cookie.
Schedules a command to delete all cookies visible to the current page.
Schedules a command to delete the cookie with the given name.
Schedules a command to retrieve the cookie with the given name.
Schedules a command to retrieve all cookies visible to the current page.
Class Detail
Provides methods for managing browser and driver state.
{!webdriver.WebDriver} driver
The parent driver.
Method Detail
{!webdriver.promise.Promise} addCookie(name, value, opt_path, opt_domain, opt_isSecure, opt_expiry)
Schedules a command to add a cookie.
{string} name
The cookie name.
{string} value
The cookie value.
{string=} opt_path
The cookie path.
{string=} opt_domain
The cookie domain.
{boolean=} opt_isSecure
Whether the cookie is secure.
{(number|!Date)=} opt_expiry
When the cookie expires. If specified as a number, should be in milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC.
{!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the cookie has been added to the page.

{!webdriver.promise.Promise} deleteAllCookies()
Schedules a command to delete all cookies visible to the current page.
{!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when all cookies have been deleted.

{!webdriver.promise.Promise} deleteCookie(name)
Schedules a command to delete the cookie with the given name. This command is a no-op if there is no cookie with the given name visible to the current page.
{string} name
The name of the cookie to delete.
{!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when the cookie has been deleted.

{!webdriver.promise.Promise} getCookie(name)
Schedules a command to retrieve the cookie with the given name. Returns null if there is no such cookie. The cookie will be returned as a JSON object as described by the WebDriver wire protocol.
{string} name
The name of the cookie to retrieve.
{!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the named cookie, or {@code null} if there is no such cookie.

{!webdriver.promise.Promise} getCookies()
Schedules a command to retrieve all cookies visible to the current page. Each cookie will be returned as a JSON object as described by the WebDriver wire protocol.
{!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the cookies visible to the current page.

{!webdriver.WebDriver.Logs} logs()
{!webdriver.WebDriver.Logs} The interface for managing driver logs.

{!webdriver.WebDriver.Timeouts} timeouts()
{!webdriver.WebDriver.Timeouts} The interface for managing driver timeouts.

{!webdriver.WebDriver.Window} window()
{!webdriver.WebDriver.Window} The interface for managing the current window.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Sat Jan 25 2014 14:42:04 GMT-0500 (EST)