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Class webdriver.stacktrace.Frame

Defined in: stacktrace.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
webdriver.stacktrace.Frame(context, name, alias, path)
Class representing one stack frame.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Converts this frame to its string representation using V8's stack trace format:
Class Detail
webdriver.stacktrace.Frame(context, name, alias, path)
Class representing one stack frame.
{(string|undefined)} context
Context object, empty in case of global functions or if the browser doesn't provide this information.
{(string|undefined)} name
Function name, empty in case of anonymous functions.
{(string|undefined)} alias
Alias of the function if available. For example the function name will be 'c' and the alias will be 'b' if the function is defined as a.b = function c() {};.
{(string|undefined)} path
File path or URL including line number and optionally column number separated by colons.
Method Detail
{number} getColumn()
{number} The column number if known and -1 if it is unknown.

{number} getLine()
{number} The line number if known or -1 if it is unknown.

{string} getName()
{string} The function name or empty string if the function is anonymous and the object field which it's assigned to is unknown.

{string} getUrl()
{string} The url or empty string if it is unknown.

{boolean} isAnonymous()
{boolean} Whether the stack frame contains an anonymous function.

{string} toString()
Converts this frame to its string representation using V8's stack trace format:
{string} The string representation of this frame.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Sat Jan 25 2014 14:42:03 GMT-0500 (EST)